Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I chose these three images for my "The Medium is the Message" assignment because I wanted to show how the camera is a very popular medium and how its purpose has changed over time. Originally the camera was mainly used to take portraits, mostly family portraits. Over time however the camera started being used to take pictures of everyday things, for example children smiling together making some funny faces like in my second image. The medium of the camera was not just used to take formal pictures but fun ones. Lastly I chose a picture of Maria Sharapova with Canon Cameras because in today's world the camera is used a great amount for fashion photo shoots and not just everyday life. The message I wanted to get across with this image is that the camera has changed a great amount over time with new technologies, from film to digital. Along with that why pictures are being taken has changed, now giving us a message of fun and fashion not just a family portrait.

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