Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Media Globalization Remix

I chose to do my media globalization remix on Harry Potter because I feel the story is represented well in more than one type of media. I put together images from both the Harry Potter films and J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter book series. I also found some other images of Harry Potter toys like Lego’s and the game of Clue to show how popular this media really is. I also found the cover of the first Harry Potter Book in a different language and then layered the same cover over it in English (top left corner). This I thought was an interesting way to see how the books are loved all over the world. Another image I found and added is the cover of TIME magazine which had written on the cover, “Why Harry Potter Rules”, this shows how children love the books and movies and go crazy over them. I also made sure I added J. K. Rowling herself and not only was it any picture of her but she is sitting on what looks like a throne reading one of her books. One last thing I will point out is that I added the “WB” Warner Brothers logo because they are the film company making the films which has added so much to the media globalization of Harry Potter.

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